Employee chair massage
"We make it easy to take care of your team"
Humboldt Mobile Massage can provide employee wellness massage programs or events for teams from 4 to 800+
Areas we service:
Southern Humboldt to Del Norte County
Employee massage can also take place at our Eureka Studio on 7th and I Street
(only accessible using stairs)
Chosen Provider for the following workplace massage events or programs:
United Indian Health Services
Open Door Health Centers
Choose your team size to see our digital brochure and learn more about our services
"Humboldt Mobile Massage has been providing massage..since 2010... MSSP has had a great working relationship with Nicole Patton over the years and I think that
you’ll have a positive experience working with her and Humboldt Mobile Massage." Claudia Padilla, MSSP Humboldt Senior Resource Center